Your partner in transformation

We help companies and organisations in transitions with vision, strategy, change and innovation. Visual thinking and co-creation are the building blocks of our approach.

Vision and strategy

Create a clear vision of the future. We guide you as a leader in developing, communicating and bringing to life an inspiring strategy.
Design your Strategy

Activating change

Activate change by involving your entire organisation. We guide you in creating support and effectively implementing sustainable change.
Activating change

Accelerating innovation

Innovate as a team sport, involving the entire organisation and external partners. We help you make ideas and initiatives visible and realised quickly.
Accelerating innovation

What does working with us look like?

Getting to know

We start by sharpening your goals and vision. Together, we set a clear course so that your organisation moves in the right direction in a focused and effective way.

Plan of action

We draw up a development agenda based on the needs of all stakeholders. Thus, together, we create a concrete plan for our cooperation that perfectly suits your organisation.

Continuous cooperation

The desired development is realised through concrete actions and activities. Together, we monitor progress and make adjustments where necessary, so that your organisation stays on track.


The results speak for themselves, so do our customers

''Your strength is in simplifying the most complicated processes. This requires people to step out of their professional jargon and really connect with the person across from them!''

Fara Kambiz
Projectlead – Schouders Eronder

''This common picture provides a good foundation for the conversation about how we can achieve this future together.''

Maya Sule
Program manager – Rijkswaterstaat

Frequently asked questions

  • Possibly not, but fortunately, you do! Most organizations have plenty of relevant knowledge, but understanding each other and making decisions together can be challenging. That’s where our expertise comes in. “The smartest person in the room is the room.”

How can we visually support you?

Are you and your company also in transition and need clarification? Let's meet.

Tomas Pasma
Managing Partner