Giving meaning to change together

To ensure that all colleagues embrace and act on your organisation's strategy, it is important to create commitment. We help you engage the whole organisation in change.
Our expert

Your challenge

You are faced with the task of implementing large-scale changes. For example, through a merger or acquisition, a culture change process, the reassessment of mission and core values, or the impementation of new processes. You notice that the organisation is tired of change and there may not be unanimity within the board either.

How do you get everyone on board, while taking into account the interests of all stakeholders?

Many organisational changes unfortunately do not go smoothly. The main reason? Employees do not feel understood or do not see why the change is necessary. Without this mutual understanding, commitment is lacking and sometimes even resistance arises.

Our solution

Successful change and introducing new ways of working together starts with early involvement. In our change processes, we work with a carefully developed programme, bringing your organisation into the process from the very beginning.

While drawing, we make open what is going on in the undercurrent, which sometimes leads to resistance. We make clear what the change means for everyone and what is asked of them. In this way, we ensure that everyone feels heard and actively contributes to the new course.


Our working method

The change process in three steps

Leadership with guts

We start with conversations within the leadership team. We guide these in a pleasant and creative way, ensuring that the team speaks with one voice. Their active involvement lays the basis for a powerful and supported change process, with leadership leading by example.

Co-creation and communication

Together with the organisation, we create a visual change story and communication tools for a shared view of the change. We make abstract change concrete and imaginable through storytelling. Mutual understanding reduces resistance, and employees become ambassadors.

Dialogue and activation

In this phase, we break existing patterns in teams. We do this for instance through dialogue sessions, games, activation workshops with actors. We give everyone the practical tools to work with it and keep the change alive, ensuring a sustainable anchoring of the new way of working.

The result of our change processes

  • Heard and engaged employees: employees really feelheard, leading to an increase in commitment and support for the change.
  • Living core values: the organisation’s core values are actively promoted and embraced by managers and teams, creating a cohesive culture.
  • Concrete change in action: with clear visuals and practical tools, the change is anchored in daily work.

It may look like this


These clients went before you

“Drawing structures complexity during conversations and provides guidance and overview. Moreover, it looks attractive. That draws people in!”

Robert Tekke
Circular Development – Provincie Zuid-Holland

''Flatland's creativity, intelligence, professionalism and patience is super to work with. They make anything I can think of better.''

Cocky Ruitenberg
Expert huiselijk geweld – Gemeente Rotterdam

The answer to your questions

  • Co-creation contributes to the credibility and acceptance of the process. By involving stakeholders early on, they feel heard and are more likely to commit to making the strategy or change a reality.

  • Absolutely, with over 12 years of experience, we have guided processes for a wide range of clients. Take a look at our results to see for yourself.

  • This depends heavily on the scope and depth of the change. Often, our starting point is to establish a budget per employee.

Wondering what we can do for your organisation?

Get in touch with Janita.

Janita van Ginneken
Visual Strategist