Drawing a better
world together
At Flatland, we believe the world can become a better place by drawing together. At the heart of our mission? With visual thinking, we help organisations clarify complex issues, connect people and accelerate processes.
Our ambition is to build long-term relationships with clients who, like us, strive for positive impact in the big transitions of our time -from energy to healthcare. We not only work with our clients, but also involve their entire organisation, because we are convinced that real change happens when everyone participates.
A family of visual thinkers
We ourselves also harness the power of diversity to tackle complex issues. Our team consists of experts from diverse backgrounds, from design engineers to psychologists. Some of us studied law and others at art school.
When you work with us, we challenge you to think further, to face the elephant in the room. We connect with your vision, listen empathically and work together with a positive attitude. In doing so, we are also sometimes painfully honest and ask critical questions. This is how we build strategies, changes or innovations that are not only effective, but also really resonate with everyone in the organisation.
Our story

Meet the Flatland team

Annelotte Kooijman
Office Manager annelotte@flatland.nl
Annemiek van Dorp
Office host info@flatland.nl
Bob van Putten
Managing Partner bob@flatland.nl
David Koop
Visual Strategist david@flatland.nl
Gert-Jan Oosting
Visual Designer gert-jan@flatland.nl
Govert van der Heijden
Visual Designer govert@flatland.nl
Iren van Oosterom
Visual Designer iren@flatland.nl
Janita van Ginneken
Visual Strategist janita@flatland.nl
Kay van ‘t Hof
Visual Consultant kay@flatland.nl
Lidyann van der Wolf
Visual Consultant lidyann@flatland.nl
Lotte de Wolde
Visual Consultant lotte@flatland.nl
Lucas Rozenboom
Visual Designer lucas@flatland.nl
Maaike van Vliet
Marketing Manager maaike@flatland.nl
Meysa Boers
Visual Designer meysa@flatland.nl
Michelle Geerlings
Visual Strategist michelle@flatland.nl
Nanne Uffen
Visual Strategist nanne@flatland.nl
Nick Rovroy
Visual Designer nick@flatland.nl
Niva van de Geer
Visual Strategist niva@flatland.nl
Rob van Barneveld
Visual Designer rob@flatland.nl
Soraya Ramdin
Finance Manager soraya@flatland.nl
Thomas van Daalen
Visual Strategist thomas@flatland.nl
Tom van ‘t Westeinde
Visual Consultant tom@flatland.nl
Tomas Pasma
Managing Partner tomas@flatland.nl
Willem Minderhoud
Managing Partner willem@flatland.nl
Xanna Bijvoet
Visual Consultant xanna@flatland.nl
Yara Rietdijk
Visual Designer yara@flatland.nlWorking at Flatland

Managing Partner